Quantitative EEG (QEEG) is the mathematical processing of digitally recorded EEG in order to highlight specific waveform components, transform the EEG into a format or domain that elucidates relevant information, or associate numerical results with the EEG data for subsequent review or comparison.

For years all that was possible was recording these waves on paper with the traditional polygraph. Over the last 25 years, advances in signal processing made it possible to sample these waves many times per second (usually 128 or 256 samples per second; our current equipment samples at 4096 per second) and to analyze them in various ways. Using this technology we can now measure precisely the amplitude and frequency of waves of interest, be fairly exact about the scalp distribution of the waves, and even compare a client's qEEG to a normative life-span wide reference database that shows how the person's brain activity compares, on the average across a particular task, to healthy people of similar age and same sex.


Z-score s a numerical measurement used in statistics of a value's relationship to the mean (average) of a group of values, measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean.

Live-score Z-score training usually utilises two, four or more electrodes on the head. Continuous calculations are being computed comparing the way that the brain is functioning on different variables (e.g., power, asymmetries, phase-lag, coherence) to a scientifically developed normative database.

The Z-score system compares this with a database and provides feedback to the client to ‘shift’ their EEG profile toward a ‘normal’ profile.


Using a full 19 sensor array, LoRETA gives a real-time three dimensional image of your brain activity. With this imaging providers are now able to train deep brain areas; entire networks (brain highways), coherence (connectivity), processing speed (phase) and more; all crucial factors in optimum brain functioning.

The advantage over traditional neurofeedback is increased specificity of the training and the possibility to train activity at locations not otherwise identifiable by conventional surface EEG. It also allows the patient to train up to 24 targeted areas (Brodmann Areas) in terms of amplitude, phase, and coherence of different frequencies at the same time.